Rob Newsome
Tel: +27 (0) 83 611 8500
Email: rob.newsome@pkf.com
Professional Experience
Rob has more than 40 years of experience in serving clients in the risk, governance, Internal Audit and advisory sector and has a passion for delivering exceptional client service. In addition to his client serving role, Rob is active within the internal auditing profession serving on the Board of IIA SA from 1995 - 2018 (President 1999 – 2001) and on the IIA Global Board, including two terms as a vice-chairman of the Council, from 2001 - 2017. His experience includes being senior lecturer at Rhodes, partner at Fisher Hoffman Stride (now PKF), KPMG, EY and PwC and CAE for Eskom and MTN.
Prior to joining PKF Rob was the risk assurance lead partner for PwC in Nigeria and before that in South Africa, director at consulting firm ORCA and interim CRO at SAA.
B. Com (Hons), CA(SA), CIA, CRMA
Sector Focus
Rob’s experience in the extractive industries and utilities remains a sector focus of his. His recent experience in Nigeria has boosted his financial sector knowledge and he remains engaged with clients in that sector.
Rob is currently part of the leadership in the 4IR initiative in PKF to automate workflows, provide intelligent working papers and developing the Comply and Declare solution for general market consumption.
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