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Home News 2024 Coding in the cloud

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2024 News • 2024-07-02

Coding in the cloud

By Nicole Rousseau: Head of PKF Ignite

1. How has cloud software development reshaped the way businesses create and deploy software?

The beauty of cloud software development is in the opportunity it creates for a business to define its 'why'. Introspection is critical in successfully choosing the most suited software to the business. This filters down into the most minute business processes, ultimately resulting in better internal processes, structure and more effective way of working, before the deployment of the cloud software has even begun.

2. What are the pros and cons of public, private or hybrid cloud?

Again, understanding the businesses 'why' is critical when choosing between public, private or hybrid cloud solutions. A grasp on the difference between all offerings is as important as each have pros and cons .

Private cloud offers security, with simpler management and a predicable associated cost. While the cons would be funding the infrastructure set up and managing the internal complexities that arise from the said infrastructure.

Public cloud is associated with lower costs since it's absorbed by the provider, with a stronger option for agility and scalability.

However, we’ve found that implementing a hybrid, holistic approach to cloud works best as it provides the most flexibility. Security and compliance is taken care of and a unique, business tailored solution is achieved. Agility and scalability is afforded with a hybrid approach, while the human need for privacy is achieved when sensitive business data sits within the private umbrella.

3. What sets cloud-based apps apart from their web-based counterparts?

In recent years, we've learnt first-hand just how important it is for businesses to have the ability to pivot immediately. Cloud-based apps allow instant gratification while web-based counterparts are more often than not, in a reactive state due to the historic data provided within the system. A business using cloud-based applications has access to real-time data, invoicing, inventory and payment history data is immediately accessible.

4. What measures should developers take to secure software in the cloud?

"The only constant is change" – are words to live by as a cloud software security developer. Of course, there are standardised measures such as ensuring your ISO certification is current, staying one step ahead of the security threats with cross-site scripting knowledge and using static code analysis tools.

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