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Home Our Firms PKF Durban

PKF Durban

Our practice was formed in Durban in 1922 and is ranked today as one of the leading independent audit and accounting firms in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

We previously practiced as David Strachan & Tayler and subsequently changed our name to PKF Durban to better reflect our long-standing international links. Currently the firm has 18 Partners and more than 240 staff members. 12 Partners focus primarily on the areas of auditing, accounting, and business advisory services. The remaining partners concentrate on tax consulting and compliance, information technology, client accounting, corporate recovery, and insolvency.

Our client base ranges from listed entities to small entrepreneurs, with our primary market being the medium to large entrepreneurial business sector. Our clients are highly entrepreneurial, we not only relate to this culture but also empathise with it.

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PKF Durban